There´s only one piece of advice I would give to someone thinking of training to be an ADI, look no further than Craig Polles.
Looking through other peoples´ testimonials I was struggling to think of anything fresh to write, simply because everything written still doesn´t do justice to the level of excellence Craig provides, nor will anything I write give his service the credit it deserves.
Having only recently turned 22 when I started my training with Craig in early 2010, I was unsure of my own ability to qualify as an ADI. Craig instantly put my fears to rest with his friendly and encouraging nature, which was clear from the outset, was not just an act for the paying customer.
Craig´s knowledge and understanding of Road procedure and teaching methods are second to none, but his training goes far beyond simply teaching you to instruct as his knowledge on all aspects of motoring are exemplary. Craig pushes you to go beyond the level you need to simply pass your part 3 exam and always encourages you to assess your own performance after a lesson, which is an invaluable tool to have when teaching real pupils.
I will genuinely miss our Part 3 sessions on a Thursday morning when we would often chat about everything and anything while progressing through various parts of the training.