Craig Polles Driver Training
You can test your theory knowledge by registering with our FREE online theory practice
07903 371 936
01782 777888

Simon Smallman

Career plans now well on target. I passed my Part 3 today. I am now an Approved Driving Instructor and just want to thank Craig who has been a great trainer, through the ups and downs and would have no hesitation in recommending him, should you wish to follow this career path. I look forward to working with him on my continuing professional development. Thanks Craig! 😊
Career plans now well on target. I passed my Part 3 today. I am now an Approved Driving Instructor and just want to thank Craig who has been a great trainer, through the ups and downs and would have no hesitation in recommending him, should you wish to follow this career path. I look forward to working with him on my continuing professional development. Thanks Craig! 😊

Craig Polles Driver Training
  01782 777888
  07903 371 936

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